How to arrive in Leiria

Here you can find our suggestions for you to arrive in Leiria.

How to arrive in Leiria from Lisbon Airport?

You may catch the metro subway at Lisbon Airport and go to Oriente or Sete Rios (with a line change) to pick an express bus to Leiria.

See the city map of Lisbon here.
Check the bus tickets here.

How to arrive in Leiria from Oporto Airport?

You may catch the metro subway at Porto Airport and Campo 24 de Agosto to pick an express bus to Leiria.

See the city map of Oporto here.
Check the bus tickets here.

About Leiria

The ProDPM International Conference will be held at the Superior School of Technology and Management ( of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

The ProDPM International Conference will be held at Leiria, from October 2 to 4, 2019. Leiria is located in the Centro Region and sub region of Pinhal Litoral, about halfway between Lisbon and Porto. The distance to Lisbon is 137 kilometres (85 miles), to Coimbra 70 kilometres (43 miles) and to Porto 177 kilometres (110 miles). The historic city centre spreads between the castle hill and the river Lis.

The Leiria Region, centrally located in the Portuguese coastline, has a vast and diversified cultural and historical legacy with its natural beauty, imposing world heritage monuments and pilgrimage. As the main city in this community, the area of influence of Leiria spreads over the cities of Marinha Grande, Ourém, Alcobaça, Fátima, Pombal as well the municipalities/town seats of Batalha, Porto de Mós and Nazaré located nearby.


Leiria Castle


Beaches among an extensive coastline

City Life

Rodrigues Lobo plaza pedestrian street

Venue GPS Coordinates: 39°44’03.2″N 8°49’18.1″W